All softly playing

Thursday 1st February | 19:00 – 20:00 | Maritime Museum | €10

The early music beloved of James Joyce – Stuart Kinsella Tenor  Malcolm Proud Harpsichord  Susan Proud Narrator 

In celebration of James Joyce’s birthday, this special performance delves into the early music that resonated with Joyce himself. Inspired by his reading of the “Eumeaus” episode, where Stephen Dedalus enthuses to Bloom about the early music of John Dowland and other composers, Malcolm Proud has meticulously curated this recital featuring music either alluded to or known to have been cherished by Joyce.

In 1904 Joyce contacted Arnold Dolmetsch, a pioneer of early music, with the intention of acquiring a lute so that he could tour the South of England singing old English songs to his own lute accompaniment.  Later Joyce would take singing lessons in Conservatorio di Musica di Trieste with the Triestine maestro Romeo Bartoli who was a specialist in early music.

Join us for an unforgettable journey through the musical landscape of the 16th and 17th centuries that once fueled Joyce’s imagination.

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