Bloomsday Festival 2019 – What a week!

Bloomsday Festival 2019 – What a week!

Well, Bloomsday Festival 2019 at the James Joyce Tower & Museum has drawn to a close – and what a week it was! It all began on Tuesday last with a very enjoyable performance by the Darina Gallagher and Sinead Murphy. The ‘Seaside Girls’ entertained a...
Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh is Molly Bloom again!

Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh is Molly Bloom again!

On Saturday, to mark the opening of our Bloomsday Festival Activities at the James Joyce Tower & Museum, we had a real treat when Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh performed as Molly Bloom for us – for the fifth year running! Is it any wonder that we keep inviting Cáitriona...