Bloomsday Eve Singsong

Bloomsday Eve Singsong

Just to get us all in the mood for Bloomsday, the Friends of Joyce Tower put on a terrific show on Thursday afternoon. It was a great success! It is fantastic to see that the FJT volunteers have so much hidden talent.  Well, every so often, it all comes out and, with...
Bloomsday Eve Singsong

Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh is Molly Bloom

On Sunday, we had a real treat at the James Joyce Tower & Museum when Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh performed for us – for the fourth year running! Is it any wonder that we keep inviting Cáitriona back to play Molly Bloom when she delivers such a fine performance...
Bloomsday Eve Singsong

Noel O’Grady Entertains with Music at the Tower

The Bloomsday Festival activities kicked off at the James Joyce Tower & Museum yesterday with a selection of songs and stories delivered by Noel O’Grady (five time winner of Oireachtas na Gaeilge for traditional singing). Noel, who has been described in the...
From Bollywood to Sandycove!

From Bollywood to Sandycove!

It was our great pleasure to welcome  Deepti Naval to the Tower on Saturday last. Deepti Naval is a major star in the Bollywood film industry and has also published books of poetry and short stories. She also paints and holds exhibitions of paintings and photos. She...
Bloomsday Eve Singsong

Bloomsday 2017 at the James Joyce Tower & Museum

The programme for the Bloomsday Festival activities at the James Joyce Tower & Museum has just been finalised. The festival will run from June 10th through to June 16th (Bloomsday itself). It promises to be a terrific week with theatre, music and general craic....