FJT at the IPB Pride of Place Awards 2018

FJT at the IPB Pride of Place Awards 2018

Representatives of the Friends of Joyce Tower Society travelled to Cork over the weekend to attend the IPB Pride of Place Awards 2018. We were there at the invitation of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council who had nominated the Society for an award in the Pride of...
FJT visit Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre

FJT visit Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre

A group of volunteers from the Friends of Joyce Tower Society were treated to a wonderful afternoon at the Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre yesterday. And what an unforgettable experience it was!! The volunteers were there as the guests of Margaret Dunne the...
National Heritage Week at the Tower

National Heritage Week at the Tower

If you have not seen Paul O’Hanrahan perform his brilliant re-enactment of the Telemachus (opening chapter) episode of ‘Ulysses’, then we have a real treat in store for you! As part of National Heritage Week, we have persuaded Paul to return to the...
Bloomsday Best Dressed Volunteers announced

Bloomsday Best Dressed Volunteers announced

Bloomsday 2018 at the James Joyce Tower & Museum was, without a shadow of doubt, an enormous success. There are many things that contributed to this success; the record breaking visitor numbers (1,270 on Bloomsday alone!), the superb programme of free events, the...
Harriet Shaw Weaver’s Grandniece Visits Tower

Harriet Shaw Weaver’s Grandniece Visits Tower

Last Wednesday, we had an extra special visitor to the James Joyce Tower & Museum when Harriet Shaw Weaver’s grandniece, Harriet (Hatty) Cole, nee Weaver, dropped by for a visit. She was accompanied by Denise Rees and Denise’s daughter, Rachael Roser. Harriet was...