Heinz Lechleiter takes us on a Magical Mystery Tour

Heinz Lechleiter takes us on a Magical Mystery Tour

It must be noted that, as our prowess at this Zoom app thingy continues to reach ever higher standards, so too does the quality of our pre-session chitchat. With other members noticing the various alarming and deteriorating coiffure among fellow participants as they...
FJT Zoom Group – Patricia Cronin introduces JG Farrell

FJT Zoom Group – Patricia Cronin introduces JG Farrell

Well, it’s week whatever of lock-down (seems like years!) and we’re all in dire need of a haircut, we’re going stir crazy and we’re beginning to question the very origins of this pandemic that has changed our lives for the foreseeable future. Cue the conspiracy...
Joseph Campbell, Jean Erdman & James Joyce – Mary MacKenna

Joseph Campbell, Jean Erdman & James Joyce – Mary MacKenna

It occurs to me that the start of a Zoom meeting is a bit like the beginning of an orchestral performance. Firstly, there is the tuning of various instruments. This equates, in Zoom, to the various greetings and welcomes to the session and the small-talk of the...
Anne-Marie MacGoris Leads Zoom discussion ‘Grammar vs Description’

Anne-Marie MacGoris Leads Zoom discussion ‘Grammar vs Description’

Don’t do it Andrew. Don’t Jump! Oh my Gosh! My heart is in my mouth. How did he get there what with the travel ban an’ all? But there he is and in a frightening and precarious situation. Don’t Andrew – think about your friends. Surely San Francisco is further from...