Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh is Molly Bloom again!

Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh is Molly Bloom again!

On Saturday, to mark the opening of our Bloomsday Festival Activities at the James Joyce Tower & Museum, we had a real treat when Cáitriona Ní Threasaigh performed as Molly Bloom for us – for the fifth year running! Is it any wonder that we keep inviting Cáitriona...
Skeletal Remains found in Joyce Tower Sewers

Skeletal Remains found in Joyce Tower Sewers

The sewage system at the James Joyce Tower & Museum has always been problematic frequently necessitating the closure of toilet facilities on the site. The ancient plumbing, it was always thought, simply could not cope with the demands of the large numbers of...
FJT ‘Question’ the Celebration of Joyce’s Birthday

FJT ‘Question’ the Celebration of Joyce’s Birthday

Last Friday evening, the Friends of Joyce Tower Society marked the birthday of James Joyce with a table quiz for their members at the Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel. The Quiz was organised by Andrew Basquille, Séamus Cannon, Mike Fitzgerald and Conor Fennel. Their months of...
Chairman accepts DLR volunteer award on behalf of FJT volunteers

Chairman accepts DLR volunteer award on behalf of FJT volunteers

It is always nice to have our work at the James Joyce Tower & Museum recognised and, last Thursday night, James Holahan, Chairman Friends of Joyce Tower Society (who staff the tower on a voluntary basis), accepted an Award for Volunteerism 2017 from Dun...
The Friends of Joyce Tower Society Celebrate their 5th Birthday

The Friends of Joyce Tower Society Celebrate their 5th Birthday

The Friends of Joyce Tower (FJT) Society – the group of wonderful volunteers who staff the tower and keep it open 365 days per year – marked an important milestone by celebrating their 5th Birthday last week. And what a celebration it was! The group...